We live about a half an hour south of our Nation’s Capital, in a cozy
little suburb in Maryland. There’s a joke around here – if you don’t
like the weather, wait 5 minutes. Also we very rarely have a true spring
that lasts longer than a few weeks. Usually we go from a long, cold,
stupid winter to a quick spring, to a long, hot glorious summer. Not
this year. Winter drug on much longer than usual (winter coats on
Easter!) and for the first time in a long time we’re having a true
Spring. I don’t like it one bit. It’s cold, it’s rainy, it’s not 80
degrees. We had a frost warning two nights ago! My plants are growing
and germinating but not at the rate I’d like them to be or that they
would be if it would warm up a tad and give them a little sunshine. I
transplanted my tomatoes 2 weeks ago and I swear they haven’t grown at

Anywhoo. Enough Debbie Downer about things I can’t control. Any
suggestions on how to make tomatoes grow big and strong and delicious?
The search is out for pullets! I’m hoping for 4 ladies from the same
flock. Either already laying or about to lay. Easter eggers, Marans,
Rhode Island Reds, Leghorns or Silkies. Leghorns are good layers but is
it shallow of me not to want white eggs?
We recently went on a field trip to The Accokeek Foundation. We went
on a Garden Walk of their Museum Garden. Learned lots, post coming soon.
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