Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Garden Planning Services

I recently met with my first garden planning client and it was fantastic. While it took me a moment to get my bearings, once we got rolling I LOVED it.
I met with my client in her beautiful home last week. We discussed what she'd done before, where her knowledge currently lay and what I could help her with. For this client, she'd grown up on a farm and knew how to accomplish tasks but had never been in charge of deciding when what tasks needed to be done or sourcing the necessary tools for that task. I was able to help her map out what she wanted to grow, where to source her seeds and dirt, and how to put it all together. We accomplished this in about 2 hours together and I left her with a drawn out garden plan and a seed catalogue.
I'm going to follow up with her with reminders (start your seeds! get your dirt! transplant!) and handy articles and information I think she'd enjoy.

Does this sound like something you can use?
I'm formulating how this can all work out but my current plan is:
-Initial 2 hour visit and garden site visit
-Sourcing assistance
-Rough sketch/plan of garden space
-Upkeep reminders 
-Troubleshooting and pest control advice

I'm still working this out and am looking for TWO more clients in SOMD for this season. Cost is negotiable and I am open to bartering/work trades. Comment if interested!

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